Infrared Seamless Asphalt Repairs
With the infrared process, we can achieve a seamless repair that blends with the existing pavement. Under the right conditions, the infrared repair process allows us to offer our customers another repair option vs. removing and replacing asphalt. With the infrared process, the repair is thermally bonded with the existing asphalt, eliminating cold joints that can be a potential point of weakness.
Step by step process:
- The infrared unit is positioned over the area to be repaired.
- Approximately 15 minutes later, the pavement becomes hot mix again. Time varies by ambient temperature. This process can be done in temperatures as cold as 10 degrees below zero. Our system emits true infrared rays, heating asphalt without burning or oxidizing the asphalt.
- The crew rakes the area, removing the top 1/4" of asphalt. Hot asphalt is then added and blended together and the area is raked smooth for proper elevation.
- Next, the area is compacted with a vibratory compactor/roller, compacting the edges first to pinch the seam. This creates a thermal bond with the existing pavement and eliminates any seams.
- The restored area is allowed to cool and then opened up to traffic the same day.
Infrared repairs are ideal for repairing indentations, large cracks, bumps, low spots, puddles, potholes, utility cuts, bad seams, and trip hazards.